Amazing African Adventure!
Beloved Children of Papa God,
I am off to Africa! It’s a privilege to be invited to invest in the amazing staff of HEART in Kenya. My MANager, Tim Thompson and I will have the opportunity to work alongside Princess Vickie Winkler, who is a beautiful Spirit filled mentor to me. She started HEART 25 years ago. Please read all about it on the HEART website. We will also be working with widows and youth concentrating on how to pass on a legacy of honoring Trinity and bringing the kingdom of heaven to earth. We would cherish your prayers and support for this trip. There are 3 ways to give a tax deductible gift. 1) by check to HEART P.O.Box 4207 Auburn, CA 95604 2) with credit card by calling Stephanie at the HEART office (530)885-9600 3) by visiting their website above.
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