Amazing African Adventure!

Beloved Children of Papa God,

I am off to Africa!  It’s a privilege to be invited to invest in the amazing staff of HEART in Kenya.  My MANager, Tim Thompson and I will have the opportunity to work alongside Princess Vickie Winkler, who is a beautiful Spirit filled mentor to me. She started HEART 25 years ago. Please read all about it on the HEART website. We will also be working with widows and youth concentrating on how to pass on a legacy of honoring Trinity and bringing the kingdom of heaven to earth.  We would cherish your prayers and support for this trip.  There are 3 ways to give a tax deductible gift. 1) by check to HEART P.O.Box 4207 Auburn, CA 95604  2) with credit card by calling Stephanie at the HEART office (530)885-9600  3) by visiting their website above.

Whichever option you choose, please designate that your donation is for Tim & Tiffany Thompson’s trip.



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dime deception

Last night I dreamed of a handsome man showing me some shiny diamonds in his hand and then hiding them again. He said he would show me later, when we were alone. I was enticed. I’d never seen such large diamonds. I spent time with this man, knowing it was wrong, waiting to see the shiny diamonds again. Later, when the time finally came, he brought them out again, but they were only shiny dimes. I was so disappointed. He sneered at me and I felt so stupid. I remember the sick feeling in my stomach. I’ve felt that before. The sick feeling when the truth is revealed and I recognize that I was deceived. The enemy uses my desire for something beautiful to lure me to things that are evil. The difference between the lie and the truth is drastic! It’s like the difference between diamonds and dimes. When we are deceived, there is damage done every time. There’s damage done in our own soul, when we realize that we have hindered the glory of God from shining in our life. There is damage done to others when we believe the enemy and wound relationships. Irony is the inscription on the dime that says “liberty.” We have been given the gift of making choices. God does not control us. He also offers us His help if we ask for it. Let’s thank our generous God of all wisdom for His promise to grant us discernment to distinguish what is really of value to Him and His kingdom. Come to Him eagerly!

“If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.” James 1:5

I’m asking!!!

eagerly ask for wisdom!

eagerly ask for wisdom!

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The Gift of Christmas

Grace doesn’t just look like blood and betrayal.

Grace looks like a baby born in a stable,

Love so large in a package so small,

The gift of Christmas given to all.

Too many greetings are missing Your Name.

Happy Birthday Jesus! We’re so glad You came!

Tiffany Lee

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The Petals Danced With Delight


Today I had the joy of praying with some dear friends. It took a lot of work to coordinate our hectic schedules, but it was so worth it! The peace I feel in my soul makes me smile from the inside.

During our prayer time I envisioned myself free-falling into a field of flowers, and all the petals danced with delight as fragrance took flight. One of the Bible’s shortest verses is 1 Thessalonians 5:17. It says, “Pray continually.” This verse has made me feel like a failure in the past, but after this picture of prayer the Scripture took on new meaning to me. Instead of feeling like a failure for not praying more, I felt the sweet invitation to live in this field of summer flowers, surrounded by beauty and the sweet fragrance of heaven in my heart. Prayer isn’t an obligation, it’s actually a time to rest in God’s beauty. Tears of joy slid down my face as I realized that the invitation is always available to me. Today, I’m rejoicing in accepting the gift of living in His presence and believing that my prayers are a lovely fragrance to Him as well as changing me to smell more like Him! I pray for you to find the time to rest in His beauty too!

Princess Tiffany Lee Thompson,

Daughter of the Most High King of kings

July 22, 2013
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Dearly Loved Child of God

There are many truths told throughout Scripture about Jesus’ feet. One of my favorites is found in Luke 10:38-42:

“While Jesus and His followers were traveling, Jesus went into a town. A woman named Martha let Jesus stay at her house. Martha had a sister named Mary, who was sitting at Jesus’ feet and listening to Him teach. But Martha was busy with all the work to be done. She went in and said, ‘Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me alone to do all the work? Tell her to help me.’

“But the Lord answered her, ‘Martha, Martha, you are worried and upset about many things. Only one thing is important. Mary has chosen the better thing, and it will never be taken away from her.’”

As you choose to take time to sit at Jesus’ feet with me and learn from Him, may we hear Him say to us that we have chosen the only thing that is important and it will never be taken away from us! Let’s look at Jesus’ feet as closely as we look at a newborn baby’s feet. We want to count all ten of His toes and worship with wonder the gift that we’ve been given in Jesus.

Sincerely Seeking Jesus’ Feet,

Princess Tiffany Lee Thompson,

Daughter of the Most High King of kings

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